项目名称: 黄涌市集
项目状态: 已建成
项目年份: 2021
主创及设计团队: 靳远,陈利,计少敏,王思虹

黄涌村是珠三角腹地中典型的新村子,也许可以用“野”和“模糊”来形容:作为新村子,它没有祠堂这类岭南传统村落的要素,目之所及多是铁皮与瓷砖。这种模糊弥漫在珠三角的乡间,它从市井生活中产生,又反作用于这里的生活。模糊没什么不好,但模糊可能导致主体性的缺失。 黄涌市集在村中心的一个三角形空地上,这样的位置使得村民们每天都会因为各种原因路过这个三角形地带。 对外部的塑造要比对内部的塑造更重要。我们期待这块不停被村民的双脚们接触的地面,加上一个合适却又稍显意外的构筑物,能在周遭环境里慢慢长出一种主体性。

Huangchong Village is a typical newly-built village. Probably, it can be described as “wild” and “vague” place:as a new village without the elements of traditional Lingnan villages, such as ancestral halls, iron sheets and tiles are major compositions. The ambiguity pervaded in the countryside of the Pearl River Delta might lead to a loss of identity, though it is not a derogatory term. The market is an open triangular space in the center of the village. In such a central location, villagers pass by the triangular area every day for various reasons. The external form was more important than that of the internal. We expect to construct a suitable but a bit surprising building on that piece of ground where is passing by constantly by villagers and to slowly develop a kind of identity in the surrounding environment.







上海当代艺术博物馆PSA展览 | 影之道

广州设计三年展2024 | 有温度的存在

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